I had my personal Macbook for almost 10 years now, so it is bound to die anytime soon. Over the last year, I had to set up my development environment from scratch at least three times, due to a new job, some contracting work, and on a replacement laptop due to my battery dying.

As a reminder to myself, I think it could be smart to have a To-Do list handy for next time. I will try to keep this list up to date, as I am doing it from memory right now.


  • Spectacle: for windows management as I usually have 2/3 monitors on my day to day
  • Fork: my favorite Git GUI for no particular reason
  • Visual Studio Code: has been my IDE of choice for a few years now
  • Obsidian: for note taking and work journal
  • 1Password: used for password management
  • Flux: takes care of the ligthing of my screen as time goes by
  • ITerm: my terminal of choice
  • Sequel Pro: GUI for MySql

Command line libraries

  • tree (through brew install tree) to display directory structures as a nicely laid out tree.


  • nvm: most of my work is in javascript nowadays so nvm is super handy to switch node versions on the fly
  • oh-my-zsh: I use the agnoster theme.
  • AWS Extend Switch Roles Chrome extension: to make switching AWS profiles a breeze!
  • The Great Suspender No Track: I tend to have a lot of tabs open so I like this extension to unload them after an hour or so if there is no activity.